Osteoarthritis is a serious health condition and is the single greatest cause of disability in New Zealand. More than half a million people are affected by arthritis during their life time. In fact 25,440 New Zealanders will not be able to work this year due to this crippling condition leading to lost earnings, production productivity and not to mention the negative effects on quality of life.
Pain from Osteoarthritis stops suffers sufferers from keeping mobile, active and healthy. Movement stimulates the production of natural lubricant (Synovial fluid) in the joints. The more an Osteoarthritic sufferer moves the less pain they are likely to experience. Unfortunately suffers get caught in a cycle of pain and inactivity, especially if it’s in their feet. Relying on medication becomes a health cost and the side effects can be debilitating.
Fortunately for suffers there’s a highly effective, natural treatment for arthritic feet and legs, which works with the body to gently guide the mobility back into the painful arthritic joints. At Corrective Foot Solutions we specialise in joint mobilisation that helps to stimulate the natural lubrication of the joints.
Meet Grant, a patient of ours who was suffering from chronic Osteoarthritis in his big toe joint. By the time Grant came into the clinic he had been seen by a number of health professionals, without success. He had been told that the only treatment option now was surgery. Frightened by that idea Grant decided to give our treatment a go.
When we met Grant he struggled to walk for any distance without experiencing significant pain that was affecting his quality of life. Grant mentioned early that he was determined to do what it took to avoid surgery and be able to walk pain free again. Due to the advanced deterioration of the joint meant we could hardly bend his big toe, which affected his walking patterns.
Fortunately for Grant and osteoarthritis suffers, there is a highly effective, natural treatment for arthritic feet and legs that helps the body help itself by gently reintroducing mobility to stiff, painful joints. At Corrective Foot Solutions we specialise in this form of mobilisation that helps to stimulate the natural lubrication of the joints.
Grant started our treatment and after a couple of months was walking regularly and pain free. Grants big toe mobility has significantly improved which has allowed him to complete longer walks and is excited to get out and about heading into summer. Well done Grant!
If you suffer from Osteoarthritis, the sooner this condition is treated, the better the results will be for you. We feel so strongly about this that we are offering a free joint assessment to the first 10 people to respond to this article. So give us a call on 079250269
"I only wish I had found you sooner!"
Finally, a Podiatry solution to fix your aching body. FMT is a extremly effective alternative to expensive surgery and orthotics. You can also wear the shoes you want!